Tuesday 6 November 2012

Barack Obama wins election for second term as United States President - Congratulations to him

Source: YAHOO news

President Barack Obama handily defeated Governor Mitt Romney and won himself a second term Tuesday after a bitter and historically expensive race that was primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states. Networks project that Obama beat Romney after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio.

So its's only fitting that I re-post this particular TOYHAVEN toy blog entry again since the 12-inch figure in question is that of a 1/6 scale President Barack Obama figure :)

Originally posted on July 4, 2010 entitled "1:6 President Obama on July 4, Independence Day" HERE

During the 2008 US presidential campaign following the New Hampshire Democratic Primary, then-Senator (now President) Barack Obama, used the similar English translation of the slogan of United Farm Workers (UFW) – "Sí, se puede" (Spanish for "Yes, it can be done") in his speech. "Yes we can" became a slogan popularized by Obama and very much associated with him.

A very buff and fit 1:6 scale Obama figure produced and released by Hot Toys most recently. This is their new 1/6th scale TrueType Body – TTM-15 African American Male (Advanced Version).

And here's a closer look at the TTM 15 1:6 scale head sculpt

Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th (now 45th) and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office.

Why Hot Toys chose to release the body with this head sculpt is beyond me as I don't think this HS is very versatile for other action or military figures. Can you imagine a Navy SEAL Obama, FCS Obama, WWII Obama or Gladiator Obama? Perhaps this is Hot Toys way of dishing DID as DID (Dragon In Dreams) did release a 12-inch Obama figure in 2009 but the head sculpt just wasn't good enough (in our colloquial terms "cannot make it").

Hot Toys is certainly showing everybody, 1:6 manufacturers and collectors alike, that they can make any head sculpt look GOOD!!

And here's 1:6 Obama in suit and tie, getting ready to celebrate America's Independence Day today

And there's also 1:6 Obama seeing off the preceding president George W. Bush (George Walker Bush), the 43rd President of the United States, having served from 2001 to 2009 in my earlier post HERE

Congratulations are in order for President Obama on his second term in office as President of the United States (POTUS) and we wish him and the country well :)

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